Maybe there’s too man pop culture tropes about being in remote fields with cult members standing and staring at you just prior to some strange ceremony that finds you naked and bound with a Chuck E Cheese mask on your head, facing dozens of True Believers with knives. Is that what Rambler was going for here?

That’s a lovely lady, but the strange calm intensity of her stare is making me uncomfortable. I’d like to leave. Now. Please. I’d like to leave now. People are expecting me. I need to go. I won’t get in the Rambler. I’m leaving, thanks. Back in the 80s/90s, so common to see ad copy with a car in the surf or drifting across the desert. Also, the far horizon in this ad strongly implies there’s gigantic versions of those stacked boxes in the distance. Trippy.

Cold Start  Is This From A Cult  - 84Cold Start  Is This From A Cult  - 93