Here, look how it looks in print:

Apepoker, apepoker, apepoker. It is a cool little truck, a sort of convergent evolution example to Japan’s Kei-class trucks. Also, I once was driving through Italy for the Mille Miglia in a Jaguar F-Type and stopped in the middle of the Parmigano region and convinced a wonderful farming family to let me drive their Ape:

I had to explain myself with Google translate and hand gestures, but somehow it all worked. Isn’t Italian like 60% hand gestures anyways? But ape poker is much more fun. If my job was to poke apes, I would rather do it with a little bit of sheet metal in between us, and perhaps an engine to help me escape should (when) things turn bad. Some of those Piaggios are quick. Like 40-50 mph, which feels like you’re going 100. My vote is an implement used to poke apes.

Cold Start  Meet The Ape Poker - 81Cold Start  Meet The Ape Poker - 92