The palette she picked has five car-inspired colors: Fire Apple: Based on Hunter S. Thompson’s fire-apple red 1971 Chevy Impala convertible from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Yellow Beetle: Based on my own 1973 Beetle! VW called the color Texas Yellow, and it’s just a great, bright, friendly, plucky yellow. Angelyne: An unashamed, confident pink, based on LA’s famous, enigmatic Angelyne, a woman famous for being on billboards and driving her pink Corvette around LA, and that’s about it BRG: British Racing Green! The color of all those Jaguars and Bentleys fast enough to escape the clutches of Lucas, the Prince of Darkness Pao Pow: Okay, so I got two of my cars in here. This one is based on my 1990 Nissan Pao, but the retro quality of this aqua-like color stands in for so many wonderful midcentury cars.

It’s a good palette, with good car references. So, car people who paint nails or know people who do, is this something you might be interested as Autopian merch? We’re just exploring ideas at this point, but we’d love your input, so comment away! Jason, whatever you’ve been eating/drinking/smoking/snorting/anal suppositorying lately, order the industrial size!!! I even looked for some once. But then I realized that it would look like shit after 1 day of doing proper work, so there wasn’t any point. You really need to make British Racing Green nail epoxy. *There is a color called British Racing Green, but it’s metallic with a yellow hue, both of which disqualify it IMO, whereas the JCW color is that lovely traditional dark green I still have a vial of 1999 Prius Green. Anyone want to buy it? You can’t do this without a Miura Green: I neither paint my nails nor am I close enough with anyone who does to make use of this, but I did want to chime in to say this is awesome! It speaks volumes about the work you’re doing here that your audience has expanded beyond the “traditional” automotive demographic of white dudes with really bad taste in car mods. 🙂

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