You see, Cressida is a woman’s name, which would certainly not be unusual in itself for a car name, especially a Japanese car of roughly this era, which included such cars as the Gloria or the Silvia. What makes is odd is that the name Cressida is most commonly associated with a woman who lived during the Trojan War, and her story involves her declaring her love for a Trojan prince, but then ending up with a Greek warrior, and as a result she’s become sort of a symbol for a disloyal lover. Not really what you’d think a carmaker would want to name a car after, but who am I to judge?

It’s also worth noting that Cressida is one of the leads in what’s generally considered one of Shakespeare’s crappier plays,Trolius and Cressida.  Huh. Who knew? I write the songs and I name the Toyotas. – Berry Manilow Mercedes is, perhaps, the best known woman’s name used for an automobile. $6,000 (My family has experience with Toyota’s delivery skills circa 1976-1981, and they were not great.) Hey Jason (waves hand): how many car brochures are you aware of that feature obviously damaged vehicles?

Ever Wonder Who Or What The Cressida Was Named For   Cold Start - 31Ever Wonder Who Or What The Cressida Was Named For   Cold Start - 63Ever Wonder Who Or What The Cressida Was Named For   Cold Start - 52