This is a Porsche 911 “Signature” from UK-based EV conversion firm Everrati, which is a fancy way of saying it’s a 964-generation 911 widebody given a very serious gasoline-free upgrade. Think something along the lines of Icon, or maybe even Singer, but in this case, it’s all batteries, all the time.

And this particular “Mexico Blue” model is notable because it’s Everrati’s first U.S.-spec 911, designed to meet what the company calls “surging demand” in its cars. Those first U.S.-built 911s are now ready for customer delivery.

Even better is that Everrati’s electric 911 packs some serious heat. According to the company, we’re looking at a 62 kWh battery pack, an output of 500 horsepower, a zero to 60 mph time under four seconds, and up to 200 miles of range. As I said, it’s no art car. Power goes to the rear wheels via a single-speed gear reduction, but the company has said it’s working on a “virtual gearbox” to simulate the torque characteristics of the original motor and the involved shifting.

And while those figures don’t quite match some of the ridiculous ranges and outputs we’re seeing out of new EVs, it’s still very impressive for a conversion job. Plus, those don’t offer vintage style, and this one does. That’s kind of the point. The company says its goal (besides making money, obviously) is to help keep older enthusiast cars on the road in the face of our electric future. I personally don’t think gasoline will ever fully die out—at least, not in my lifetime—but if the wide-scale shift to EVs happens as governments and many automakers want it to, it’s entirely possible internal combustion will shift heavily to the high-end, low-volume enthusiast and collector market. But this is a 911 you can drive climate guilt-free, and may be better suited to that sort of future. [Editor’s Note: Well, you’re still using energy made via fossil fuels, and there’s all that mining of natural resources for the battery, so I don’t know about guilt-free, but definitely guilt-free-er over the long run. -DT].  “Our Signature 911 (964) is a redefinition of an automotive icon that will have its legacy live on for generations to enjoy,” said Everrati Founder and CEO, Justin Lunny, in a news release. “It is a truly sustainable supercar.”

EV conversions of classic cars are becoming increasingly popular, as is the classic car collector market as a whole. You get all the style of a vintage car with modern electric power, far less maintenance and no more risk of gasoline fires. It’s not easy to do, however; packaging of batteries and electric motors can vary from model to model, so unlike, say, an engine swap, there’s no uniform way to do it yet. (I also think it’s a great option if you have a stylish car that never had a great internal combustion engine to begin with; I owned a BMW 325e for years and I would’ve kicked that motor to the curb in a heartbeat for EV power.) Everrati’s clearly playing to an upscale crowd here. Its other cars include a bunch of classic Land Rovers and the iconic “Pagoda” Mercedes SL. They aren’t cheap, either; the 911 “Signature” starts at £270,000, or about $327,000—and that’s not including a clean-title donor car.

So it’s a lot, and for a very specific type of (wealthy) person. I’m all for it, though. I hope more and more shops figure these out while driving costs down, and that one day, EV conversions can be a viable option for anyone who wants a classic car but wants to move on from fossil fuels. That certainly won’t be for everyone, but more choices are always better than none at all. Support our mission of championing car culture by becoming an Official Autopian Member.

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It is a beautiful trinket that is marginally useful. Let’s be honest, the owner could drive this everyday, but when they have a shiny Taycan (or Cayenne) in the garage, they won’t. Yes, EVs are cleaner than ICE cars — when they are driven. An EV takes its carbon footprint when it is made and then earns its eco-cred when it is driven. The original car was already manufactured and likely driven infrequently so it had a very small footprint already. Those batteries should have been used in a daily driver. If you’ve got this kind of money to spend on an EV, buy a new one and don’t destroy an old classic. Although I do agree with the idea of doing this to good looking vehicles with terrible/unreliable powertrains (or a classic where the powertrain is destroyed). Honestly, this is the kind of myopic rhetoric that made me leave Jalopnik. So far the content here has been killer, please don’t spoil it with this kind of nonsense. I’m not saying the site should only focus on EVs and other climate-concious tech, but to avoid the topic completely seems a bit myopic as well. I could not agree more, actually. I’m pretty pro-EV at this point but I personally loathe how environmentalism gets pushed down to the individual purchasing level, like plastic bag bans. Call me when we also better regulate shipping, airline and factory emissions. A 1989-94 Porsche 911 at 19 mpg for 5000 mi/yr produces 6944 lb of CO2 equivalent per year. An EV getting 3 mi/kWh (inc. conversion loss) on >90% coal mix (1.8 lb/kWh) driven 5000 mi/yr produces 3000 lb of CO2 equivalent per year. By the most pessimistic estimates currently available, a 62kWh battery requires 27,280 lb of CO2 to produce, meaning this EV will break even in 6.9 years or 34,600 miles. By the most optimistic estimates, it would break even in less than 1 year. Would it be better if they were replacing a worthless engine? Sure. Would a 914 conversion be smarter? Yeah, and it’s a popular conversion. Are there more effective uses for those batteries? I can think of a few. Are there more effective uses for $327k? I can think of many. Does this EV reduce the driver’s footprint? Depends on how much you drive it, but yes. Should we be discussing carbon footprints? Only for those wealthy enough to change. Should the phrase “climate guilt” ever be used? Only for those wealthy enough to change. Is this overconsumption? It’s a $327k sports car, so by definition yes. Is this a toy meant for hypocritical 1-percenters to stroke their vanity? Probably. Are EVs in general a self-defeating endeavor? Absolutely not. Is there a comprehensive climate change plan that doesn’t pivot on the public embracing carbon reduction strategies and electrified transport as an aspirational outlet for their purchasing power? …Sadly, I do not believe there is. I like electric cars. I like the concept of electric conversions. I even like this particular electric conversion. But I won’t pretend that switching to a plug-in car will reverse the effects of global warming (there are MANY bigger contributors than individual passenger car tailpipe emissions). And I certainly won’t pretend that yanking out a perfectly good ICE powerplant and replacing it with batteries and electric motors is even a net positive when it comes to environmental impact. Ultimately the question’s irrelevant to me since I seem to lack the needed $300,000+ (as well as the donor car) but I am excited to see where this concept goes, and what the tuner community does with it. It’s something new and exciting. MF! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE! Nay, those words and phrases tread too lightly upon the neck of this apostate. Kidding aside, your car; your money; not my bag. Would still love to test-drive this, tho. The dichotomy between aural expectations and actual experience would probably melt my brain Countries like Norway already have new car sale market shares of 90% EV. The US at 6% is lagging behind but we’ll eventually there. The average gas car lasts around 12 years? I think within 2-3 decades if not sooner there will be the breaking point where it’s not viable for dozens of gas stations in every town to stay afloat, so they’ll start shutting down. You know how you laugh when you see a former Pizza Hut that has been turned into some other business, but still has the iconic roof? Former gas stations with become the next version of that. There will be some random doctor’s office in a former convenience store, and kids will wonder why the parking lot is shaped so strangely with a roof that is like an awning but not attached to the building, so you still have to get wet walking in from the car. Maybe you’ll have to go down to your local Home Depot and do 5 gallon jerrycan swaps like we do now with propane, so you can fill up your gasoline cruiser to head down to the local car show on Friday nights. Horses never went away. Ford Model T never went away. They are just hobbies now instead of something you do every day on the way to work. I do love the color. I can’t imagine owning a 911 without the flat six. I don’t see a difference between this and people doing LS swaps. It’s the same concept, just a lot more work in this case. Your electricity generation mix depends on where you live. If you live in West Virginia… … well you’re pretty much driving the dirtiest possible US EV. OTOH, If you live in California… … your electric generation mix is 54% fossil fuel (natural gas), 46% renewables, hydro and nuclear. So, not as harmful now and becoming even less harmful into the future. converting a car with an air cooled powerplant to one with a liquid cooled one is blasphemy!

Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 99Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 92Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 89Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 11Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 46Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 35Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 37Everatti s EV Converted Porsche 964 Is Ready To Conquer America - 48