What is even happening here? It’s a family. They’ve run off the road somewhere. The daughter/wife is wearing a very Sydney Sweeney-ish crop top. Everyone is so damn happy. This woman took two hits of E, went to an all-night rave in the 13th, and has come down from her high only to realize she’s purchased a very affordable and nicely packaged Twingo.

This guy is shocked, the Twingo, with its centrally-mounted instrument panel, is apparently a great place to make out. This guy can’t believe it. There’s so much space in such a tiny footprint! He can’t even pay attention to his girlfriend/mistress!

These two people don’t even know each other. They just saw another person driving a Twingo and fell in love!

Ok, so the kid has met the grandparents, who also have a Twingo. Apparently the blonde is the daughter and the brunette is the mom? I hope. It’s France so… What’s happening over there? These people seem curious.

These people are also curious, but they also know that whatever it is, it’s good.

Ah, of course, it’s a family ready for the beach! This seems to clearly be central France and nowhere near a place you could use a surfboard. Is that strange? Not if you own a Twingo. Owning a Twingo is like doing a rail of joy right off of Paddington Bear’s cute little hat.

Is it always daytime in Twingo world? Not at all. Sometimes it’s twilight and… stuff like this happens. Whatever this is.

Oh good, it’s day again, and we’re going to go play tennis in tennis shoes that are also pumps somehow.

Do you have globes? Are we a multi-ethnic grouping of friends? The Twingo accepts all.

Hey ladies! I’ve got a Twingo 2. Let’s make out in a field! No idea, but it’s fun! Thank you for this brief moment of happiness, Twingo. Would that I could evaporate into your world. Also thank you for Daniel Golson for pointing out the crazy site where I found all these. Photos: Renault via Wheelsage The Twingos I see for sale on Autoscout 24 never have the colorful interiors you see in those press photos :/ Someone spontaneously fist bumped me window to window once which is cool, but not as good as a kiss! I guess Honda = dap, Twingo = smooch. Anyway, I am sure we had some tense moments, but in my memories we were pretty much this happy all the time. Being from the US, it was a revelation to drive a small, efficent car that did not treat you like an asshole for driving a small car. Clever packaging, fun materials, enough power to get around, and small enough to park and navigate easily. We both loved it. And as a bonus we would often camp in the countryside (thank you Spain!) in a tiny two person tent that was basically the same size and shape as the Twingo. Next to each other they were as cute as two bugs in a rug. So yes, pretty much a month-long “rail of joy right off of Paddington Bear’s cute little hat.” Thanks for the memories Autopian and Twingo!!!! ??? What small, efficient car mistreated you? American small cars have always been abusive assholes. The Dodge Neon and Nash Ramblers were pretty good out of the box. The British Ford Escort was good but we got a POS. +1, came here to say this.. had a Twingo for 3 weeks once as a rental in Greece, smiled every time I got into it, while driving it, and while locking it (in anticipation of the next drive). The ads aren’t wrong.. Quick car also, took it 99 mph once. And found out it had some kind of rev limiter also, when I was flooring it to keep up with one of my old car friends in his 80ies 911. I swear to God I am totally going to steal that at some point. That scene and expression seemed pretty common and familiar to me: ” Not Pregnant!
…so obviously the blonde is the wife and the brunette is the mistress. Not sure which one is the kid’s mom. Neither is the dad. It’d be a noisy trip in a Twingo with the roof open, but less noisy than in a 2CV with the roof open. Damn you lack of edit button!!! [/angry fist shake]

You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 92You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 64You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 11You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 30You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 10You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 39You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 71You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 10You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 74You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 44You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 86You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 60You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 48You Will Never Be As Happy As The People In The Promo Photos For The Renault Twingo - 61